
We’re hiring! Assistant Project Accountant

Assistant Project Accountant $250-300 p/ day 6-8 weeks hands-on project with steep learning opportunities. Project Accounting Australia (PAA) is looking for an enthusiastic Assistant Project Accountant to join our team! The successful candidate will closely work directly with Directors, Project Managers and our clients with hands-on experience in a wide variety of projects and other[…]

Staff reduction

A Project’s Promise: the “Benefits” of Staff Reduction

When companies invest in projects that are supposed to reduce the size of their workforce either due to automation or offshoring, the language used often seems somewhat devoid of empathy. Job loss impacts people on a very raw and direct way, and deserves the gravity of being thoroughly considered with the right criteria rather than[…]


To time track or not to time track? That should not be a question.

  “You should track your time even if it’s just for yourself. If you do, you will certainly be surprised.” – Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Unless you are in a time-billing profession most of us don’t think tracking our time necessary. The concept of being accountable for our time to[…]


Why your finance team might cut your project budget?

“You cut my budget, again.” “My project won’t deliver benefits until next year, why is it expected this year?” Or a personal favourite: “We’re agile, we don’t need to track finances.” Can project managers and product owners be blamed for this attitude or perception towards their accounting or finance colleagues? In simple terms, no. The[…]